The Wonderful World of Magical Thinking XV
The week in fundie:
- Christian students cry "persecution!" because they're not allowed to abuse homosexuals at their high school. (via Pharyngula)
- Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort claim that they can prove God's existence without the Bible . . . by referring to the Ten Commandments. Kirk and Ray: YOU FAIL. (See the unedited Nightline debate between Cameron/Comfort and the Rational Response Squad here, and see also the recap by FriendlyAtheist)
- Pope Benedict threatens to excommunicate Catholic politicians who don't force their religious beliefs regarding abortion on the populace. (Austin Cline)
- Meet Jesus' favourite Congresswoman. (via Pharyngula)
- School bus driver fired for gay personal ad. (Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
- Pakistan's legislature considers a bill to execute people for leaving Islam. (Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
- WorldNetDaily: "STARBUCKS HATES GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (via Dispatches from the Culture Wars)
- UPDATE: Hundreds of thousands of homophobes attend gay hate rally in Rome.